Narration elation.

Printed words come to life.

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Audiobook Production

An audiobook requires a unique set of standards for production.

Our team of experienced producers, directors, and sound engineers use proven techniques learned over 30 years of audio recording experience to deliver your audiobook to the highest industry standards.

With our state-of-the-art recording equipment and high quality remote recording systems, our skilled producers and narrators are dedicated to producing audiobooks that inspire, educate, and entertain.

The most important member of an audiobook production team…

The Narrator!

We work with some of the most talented narrators in the industry, each with a unique voice and style that will turn your non-fiction book into an audiobook that will capture the essence of the written word.

If you are a self-published author looking to narrate your own book we’ll help you get set up for the recording session, even providing you with the proper equipment for a remote recording, or, connect you with a nearby studio so you can record your book’s narration in a professional environment.

We also offer test sessions for self-voiceovers where you can compare your sample to pro VO artists.

“Steve is a true professional in the suite. He has a fantastic ear and a great sense of audio balance to bring all the elements together. His technical skills are right on the mark, and his client skills are the best!”

— Paul Markey, Voice Talent

“When it comes to Audio, you won’t find a more passionate, creative and dedicated professional than Steve Lack.”

—Steve Traversa, Senior Editor and Motion Graphics

“Steve is a talented collaborator, and I can always count on his input to add flair and interest to the soundscape of our work. He is also very conscious of managing costs.”

—Donna Lambertucci, Comcast Digital Marketing

“Beyond being a great mixer and audio designer, Steve is a great resource in regards to what is new and fresh in audio. He not only keeps an eye on the industry, Steve is one of the movers and shakers in the industry.”

—Renard T. Jenkins, SVP Warner Media

“Easygoing, friendly, calm and confident during those stressful moments that are inevitable in audio post, Steve handles each situation in a way only possible by a true pro.”

— Preston Edmondson, Presto Mastering and Audio Finishing